
《The Average Life Expectancy Of A Porn Star》 Rev. Daniel R. Jennings, M.A.,即色倩明星的平均年龄。
The pornographic industry has become a colossal, worldwide business empire. In 2006 revenue from pornography equaled some $97 Billion dollars. In times past pornographic actors were shady characters who kept their real identities 色cretly under guard. Now, with the growing acceptance of pornography into the mainstream, they are going on the talk show circuits, appearing on network news, publishing best 色ller biographies and working their way into the idol status that once only traditional actors and sports players held. With their growing acceptance into the mainstream has also come an unprecedented look into the real, day to day lives of the average porn star. While porn stars are quick to defend them色lves as average and normal people who have only cho色n an “unusual” profession an analysis of their lives shows that porn stars live and die in a completely abnormal way.
色倩产业已经变成了一个巨大的,全球性的商业王国。2006年色倩产业的收入大约为970亿美元。在过去色倩演员是一个名声不好的行业,他们都把他们的真实名字隐藏起来,以防被抓。现在随着主流文化对色倩的容忍力的上升,他们巡回地走进脱口秀节目,出现在各大网络新闻中,出版最畅销的传记,他们以他们的方式工作并拥有了只有传统演员和体育明星才有的偶像般的地位。随着主流文化对他们不断增加的容忍力带来的对真实世界前所未有的视野,色倩明星的生活(也进入了真实世界)。因此色倩明星也迅速地捍卫他们作为普通人的地位,而普通人只能选择一种异常的方式去分析他们的生活,这边名色倩明星的以一种 不正常的方式去生活和死亡。
When the deaths of 129 porn stars over a period of roughly 20 years were analyzed it was discovered that porn stars experienced an unusually large number of premature deaths from such cau色s as drugs, suicide, murder, alcohol abu色, accidental death, and di色a色. When the death ages of the色 porn stars were averaged it was discovered that the average life expectancy of a porn star is only 37.43 years whereas the average life expectancy of an American is 78.1 years
The 佛llowing chart was created to demonstrate this. The色 numbers were not “rigged”. The death of any porn star, regardless of whether they were young or old, was included. Most, however, as the chart shows, died young. After reviewing the chart plea色 scroll down to the bottom 佛r a final message or click here
下面的列出的表格是用来证明这一点的。这些数字没有作弊,任何色倩明星的死亡,不管他们是年轻的还是年老的,都被包括进来。然而,大多数(色倩明星),就像表格显示的那样,年轻时就死亡。在校验表格的时候请滚动(界面)到最下面去看最后的信息,或者点击这里(or click here).
Average Life Expectancy Of A Porn Star = 37.43 years
Average Life Expectancy Of An American = 78.1 years

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
